Nubim's new project is coming on!
Composer Nubim‘s multicultural project ’Connectivity‘ performed by Nubim Kim Group will be presented in Rotterdam in June with the support of the City of Rotterdam, and in Korea in August at the invitation of the Korean national festival. The Dutch ensemble led by a Korean composer performing under the auspices of national institutions in both the Netherlands and Korea will be a meaningful example of cultural exchange between Korea and the Netherlands. Nubim Kim Group이 연주하는 Nubim의 신작 프로젝트 ‘Connectivity‘가 로테르담 시의 후원으로 오는 6월 로테르담에서, 한국의 국립 페스티벌의 초청으로 8월에 한국에서 선보입니다. 한국인 작곡가가 이끄는 네덜란드 앙상블이 한국과 네덜란드에서 각각 국립 기관의 후원 하에 공연을 갖는 일은 한국과 네덜란드 양국의 문화교류에 있어 의미있는 사례가 될 것입니다.
저의 4개 작품이 전 세계 출판되었습니다.
Four works by Nubim Soyoung Kim have just been published by Donemus Publishing: 🔹'A Strong Will' 🔹'Reflection upon Air' 🔹'Fierce Footsteps' 🔹'The Stranger' These pieces are from Nubim's album for violin and double bass, 'Crossroads: Live in Amsterdam'(2024). 📍Donemus: 📍Spotify: Three works by Nubim Soyoung Kim have just been published by Donemus Publishing:
♦️'The Four Seasons on the Canal' for violin and double bass ♦️'Nieuwe Blues I' and 'Nieuwe Blues II' for cello and piano ' Composed and produced by Nubim
Performance: Nubim(piano) & Reinout de Vey(cello) Recording: Rein Sprong Mixing & Mastering: Udo Pannetkeet Cover design & M/V making: Nubim Label: Joy-tone Record Published by Donemus Mixing work for Nubim's new single album <Nieuwe Blues> was nicely done by Udo Pannekeet at Wedgeview Studio (NL) on 18 July 2023.
Research title: Korean Spiritual Music Expressed With Western Musical Elements / Zwolle, 23 June 2023
My composers’ profile has been renewed on the website of Donemus,
the publisher of my works. |